why 2020 is bad year

why 2020 is bad year 

Hi friends

1. Covid 19 

Ending of 2019 covid 19 start from china . covid 19 Acuarred all world . And create many big problem in the world like economy crisis , many people loss jobs . And our family members.,etc.
After sometime Fire in Australia , cyclone come in India , Riots in Delhi . And very big think is labnona blast . And many reasons are 2020 is worst for every one.but today we have seeing top 5 reason to make worst year in human history .  

A Big problem in starting year 2020. Covid 19 start from  china . Covid 19 close genetic similar to bat coronavirus . We also know covid 19 is a virus so there ts no medicine , no any sloustion . One and only one sluostion stay home , not going in public place .

stating year 2020 covid is fastest growing in the china and after some days covered all world

In Italy first case find on 31 January. When two Chinese tourists come in Rome they are positive of the covid 19 . In March Italy government quarantine 60 millions people. In Italy no more doctors, no more hospital for admit people. This very big problem in Italy . But now covid is controlled by government. 

 Also in USA many people are infected by covid. And many deaths. President Of USA declared 50 millions dollar for this pandemic. This virus effected on 22 millions people are out of work. Not only in USA also all other country economy slow down. Indian economy is very effected . In April Month 5-6 cores people loss our jobs. In india white(Good jobs) jobes 7 lakh people loss our job. That's not in only India other country also loss our people. But only covid 19 is not worst in world other things are also worst in the world.

2. Lebanon Blast 
In Lebanon the Beirut port blast. Around 2700 tonnes ammonium nitrate put in Beirut port. This material stored unsafe in warehouses in the port, is near by public places and homes. Black day in Lebanon history 4 August 2020. Around the city air population going to maximum level. There people are also going bad days from covid 19 and economic crisis. In the blast 178 and more than people killed. More than 6000 people injured and around 300000 people are homeless and work less. Hospital, Home are destroyed Many people are injured and many effected by covid 19. WHO , and other country helping labanon.

3. Australia fire 
In Australia at least 33 people killed in fire . More than 12 million hectares area bush by fire. contrary destroyed by this bush fire. Many forest and animal park burned. Also 3000-3500 homes are burned in fire. 1700 around firefighters are work there to control fire . In this work 4 firefighters are dead.During This crisis air tanks and helicopter are crashed by air pulsation. 12 million hectares forest means 1000 Million animals and plants are burned. Birds try to fly but wind is very strong so Bird not fly. And many people dead by smoke inhalation. Nearly 85 percent Australia area are effected by this bushfire. Bushfire smoke moved 10000 kilometre to pacific ocean to Chile. Approximately 300 millions tone carban dioxide produced. This co2 is very effected on global warming and also on Australians people. Infinit losses of human , animals, plants, etcetera. But that is not stop here they are also in noy days are effected new born baby health. And also some people face many health problem. This is worst fire in human history

4. Cyclone 
 Name of cyclone is Amphan. Amphan cyclone speed is 260km/h. That was very powerful . Amphan cyclone damage in eastern India special west Bengal , Bangladesh, shri Lanka, Bhutan. This amphan cyclone impact on west Bengal economy also Indian economy. Kolkata ( west Bengal ) is goods export hub of India. That's is not first time but this pandemic year are very effected in indian people and economy. 1999 odisha cyclone 276 km/h 2019 fani cyclone 250 km/h 2007 sidr cyclone 215 km/h That is not first time in India but covid 19 and economy crisis are strongly impact on people. $14 billion damage by amphan cyclone. This very big amount .for any economy in this pandemic. In Kolkata many area are covered by flooded water . Around 15 millions people many days without power without clean water, food. Many people lost our home .they are home less. People living life without home and with extreme weather and covid 19 pandemic. At least 80 people died in west Bengal state, Around 10 people died in Bangladesh. But Indian government help there people.

 But cyclone not stop here they are back in indian ocean western India . Maharashtra Name is Nisarga cyclone. 120km/h but having rainfall in Mumbai and western Maharashtra. Maharashtra first time face this big cyclone. Maharashtra battle with covid 19 pandemic. Many people dead, and many people loss homes . 729$ damaged by nisarga cyclone. Origin of cyclone is over Mumbai 630km from Mumbai.

5. Delhi riots 2020

Beginning on 23 February in Hindu mobs and Muslims. People use many weapon in violence. Ex. Fire, etcetera. More than 50 people are dead . And many people are injured . The dead a policeman and officer. More than week violence . After one week violence is end. Many people lost her business, Home in this violence.
Government of Delhi setup a reilef camp in Eidgah in mustafabad.

But  reason of this violence is religious nationalism , hate speech , sms, etcetera.
But police are finding reason of this violence.  Many years Hindu and Muslims are living in one society. No violence , No any question. But some people are choose wrong way. And he gives hate speeches , messages,  etcetera. And middle class people  are support here . people don't who is right and who is wrong .

Thank you.

Be safe , Be Happy


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